Latest News:


July 2012:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the northern hemisphere a good summer and holidays!
  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the southern hemisphere a good winter and holidays!
  • Next phase in the completion of the total concept including foreseen park-operation for the developed leisure- and wellness-location in Germany . Preparing for setting the next steps, together with the business-partners.
  • Activities by NT Groep

June 2012:

  • Based on our long-year international experience and know-how, we have been asked by an international client to consider the preparation of an offer to them for delivering our total process- and project-management services, including tender-organization and contracting-coordination, for a large multi-storey building project in the Middle East . Their project is characterized as a high-quality mixed-use facility, with mainly apartments, retail, parking-garage plus integrated office-facilities.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Based on our developed PRO/MIBO technology for the (mercury)-decontamination of metals/scrap, next strategic steps are prepared for upscaling that part of the business-segment. Several possible strategic partnerships are under consideration. Actually the preparation started for an offer for a large client from the USA oil- and gas-industry, to consider the (mercury)-decontamination for several of their special heavy oil- and gas-fields treatment-equipment. Their expected specifications are now under consideration.
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO

May 2012:

  • Specifying the additional material-characteristics for the product-portfolio, together with one of our strategic Chinese business-partners. Actually focusing on specific markets in Central Asia and the Middle East .
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Finalizing the implementation of the new developed long-term care-concept for elderly-people in a specific new facility, now under preparation in Rijssen – NL. One of the first ‘live' results of the long-year Dutch National Innovation- and Transition-Programme TPLZ), initiated and nationwide tendered by the Dutch National Ministry of Health (VWS), in which programme we were strategic consortium-partner for especially developing and shaping the ‘uniform' facilities-concept and its (business-) components.
  • Activities by NT Groep

April 2012:

  • Considering a possible collaboration and participation in the development-scheme for a combined DIY-facilities programme in a specific region of Slovakia . Due-diligence for market and concept now under consideration, together with strategic business-partners.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • For our developed PRO/MIBO technology for the (mercury)-decontamination of sludges/soils, we have signed a strategic partnership-deal with the environmental branch of the stock-listed company Royal Boskalis Westminster NV (see also their corporate-websites: and ). This strategic business partner is globally active and a market-leader in dredging and earthmoving/environmental (sludge/soil) activities. Our joint focus is to upscale our developed technology for the (mercury)-decontamination of sludges/soils, and to start operating it jointly on the global markets. See also the actual news-item on their website:

Primarily focus is on the contaminated soils/sludges, originating from chemical and (off-shore and on-shore) oil- and gas-industries.

  • Activities by PRO /MIBO

March 2012:

  • Preparing for next steps for designing the urban plan for the integrated development location in Rijssen (NL). Municipality requirements are considered. The total BIM-approach is organized, together with an external specialist-partner.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Preparing a presentation for corporate relations of the Dutch foundation ‘NEDUBEX'. This foundation has the goal to stimulate the exchange of know-how and practical experiences regarding development and construction in the German market, and to improve and stimulate their participants' business-activities in the German market.
  • Activities by WT /Real

January 2012:

  • Based on the used BIM-approach for the integrated development-location in Rijssen (NL), the next steps for user-specific updates are started.
  • Activities by NT Groep  
  • By one of our strategic Indian business-partners we were asked to consider their approach for development and realization of a new wastewater-treatment-facility.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Further detailing of the strategic collaboration with one of our strategic Chinese business-partners for further expanding their business outside China .
  • Activities by NT Groep

December 2011:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year 2012!
  • Next phase for organizing foreseen export-growth for one of our strategic Chinese business-partners. Next step of the roll-out for the foreseen distribution of their specific products.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • The developed PRO/MIBO technology for the decontamination of metals/scrap has attracted the attention of some possible strategic partners in this field of business. First mutual considerations have been made with some of the pre-selected strategic business-parties. Primarily focusing on the contaminated metals, primarily originating from chemical and oil- and gas-industries.
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO
  • Preparing a lecture in the course for professionals, focusing on strategic risk management, and organized by the TSM-Business School/University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands.
  • Activities by WT /Real

October 2011:

  • By one of our international relationships, we were asked to assist in the developing of a scalable sophisticated green-energy concept for the built environment, to be able to integrate in existing and new building projects. Demand is actual and process- and project-requirements need to be optimized.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Next steps in negotiations according the implementation of the developed PRO/MIBO technology for the decontamination of sludges. Preparation of a MoU is under consideration with one of the pre-selected strategic business-parties. Goal is to cover the global market, focusing on soils and sediments, primarily originating from chemical industries.
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO

September 2011:

  • Preparing for next steps for designing the urban plan for the integrated development location in Rijssen (NL). Municipality requirements are considered. The total location-characteristics are now optimized, as a further basis for the foreseen urban plan.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Next steps in the optimization-approach for a location, focused on a new retail-facility in the Czech Repubic.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Ongoing coaching-activities on demand for (semi)professionals, focusing on strategy and activities within -international- business processes.
  • Activities by WT /Real

July 2011:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the northern hemisphere a good summer and holidays!
  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the southern hemisphere a good winter and holidays!

June 2011:

  • The construction-works for the tunnelling-project, adjoining the integrated development-location in Rijssen (NL), is now under final completion by the actual contractor, appointed by the municipality. Further preparation of the site-layout is under consideration, in collaboration with the municipality.
  • Activities by NT Groep

May 2011:

  • Further detailing of the strategic collaboration with one of our strategic Chinese business-partners for further expanding their business outside China . Further visiting their business-facilties and meeting with their management-board and owners.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Based on their good reputation and experiences in this field, our Slovakian strategic business-partner acquired the engineering-works for the new airport-hangar on Bratislava Letisko National Airport .
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • The board of one of our strategic Indian business-partners visited our facilities in The Netherlands. Succesful update for further future strategies and upscaling joint market focus.
  • Activities by NT Groep

March 2011:

  • Next steps in the Investigating for possible new locations for developing retail-facilities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia .
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • For the integrated development location in Rijssen (NL), the NTGroep started the preparation for the selection-criteria for the foreseen architectural style and accompanying designers is now under finalization. The total location-characteristics are now optimized, as a further basis for the foreseen urban design.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • As the official delivery of the development-concept, an official event was organized in the ‘Parkgebouw' building in Rijssen (NL). In a perfect setting, presentations and workshops were held, in which there were lively discussions about the outcomes of the developed concept for care-facilities. This day, organized together within the Consortium ‘Twentse Aanpak Langdurende Zorg', had challenging and fruitful discussions between many participants from the care-sector, including policy-makers. The Consortium is now ready and perfectly positioned for further roll-out via development-projects in the different areas and regions. See also the special website:
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • The developed PRO/MIBO technologies for the decontamination of metals/scrap as well as sludges, has lead to an increased strategic growth of the business-potential of these expanding business-segments. Especially, because the mercury-contamination is becoming an increasing problem for e.g. chemical and oil- and gas-industries. And in the actual cleantech awareness, it is now a great chance for solving such unacceptable contaminations, which needs to be solved on a global scale. PRO/MIBO as technology-provider is on the front of this global market with technologies as well as training and expertise, and under consideration now with several international strategic business-partners.
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO
Februari 2011:
  • Last phase in the development-process for care-facilities, together within the Consortium ‘Twentse Aanpak Langdurende Zorg'. Finalizing the detailed approach and process for eveloping sustainable and reliable long-term care facilities. The concept has proven to be feasible, and suitable for further roll-out. According to the Dutch Ministry of Health, this initiative belongs to the top-sectors of the Dutch national Transition for Care-activities. See also the special website:
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Based on the list of requirements by the site-owner, the redevelopment-possibilities for an existing German industrial inner-city location (production-factory) were not feasible. Therefore NTGruppe stopped further activities for this inner-city site.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Ongoing coaching-activities on demand for (semi)professionals, focusing on strategy and activities within -international- business processes.
  • Activities by WT /Real
January 2011:
  • Next phase in detailing the procedure for the possible acquisition and further optimization of a specialized supply-industry. Fine-tuning and optimizing the actual strategy for rationalizing and expanding the business, also in an international scope.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Further steps for optimizing the product-strategy and foreseen export-growth for our strategic Chinese business-partners and the contracted distribution-network. Further preparation of the roll-out for the foreseen distribution of their specific products for the EU-market.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Together with a Turkish business-partner, a utility-project is being considered within one of the urbanized zones in the region of Istanbul .
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • After initial test-results of their samples, the next steps in investigating the cleaning-possibilities of the site of a large international chemical company are now actual. PRO/MIBO's sludge-cleaning process PRO/Quick SI™ gives a very effective result, and positive promising results in this specific business-case.
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO
December 2010:
  • We wish all our friends and business relationships a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year 2011!
November 2010:
  • For the integrated development location in Rijssen (NL), the NTGroep and WT/Projects started the preparation for the selection-criteria for the foreseen architectural style and accompanying designers.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Investigating possible new locations for developing retail-facilities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia .
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Next steps in the recovery-process for an existing special redevelopment-project for long-term care facilities in The Netherlands. For this client, NTGroep is restructuring the project-characteristics, solving a better match with construction and investment-costs, contractual arrangements, etc.
  • Activities by NT Groep

October 2010:

  • Next steps in the urban design process for the foreseen integrated office-development in Rijssen (NL). Together with the urban designer and municipality, NTGroep and WT/Projects are now preparing the integrated approach for developing the urban- and architectural scheme for this strategic development-location.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • As requested by the site-owner and together with a strategic business-partner, NTGruppe started the investigation of the development-possibilities for an existing German industrial inner-city location (production-factory) for redevelopment with concepts of for example special housing and apartments. The production-factory will be removed and re-opened by the owner within another region.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Optimizing the foreseen business-structure and partnerships for the developed leisure and wellness development in Germany . Preparing for setting the next steps.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Finalizing the actual phase of the total engineering activities for the construction-consortium, for the extension of the new passenger terminal at the international airport ‘Letisko' in Bratislava , Slovakia .
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Considering the request of a large international chemical company for the investigation of the suitability of PRO/MIBO's sludge-cleaning process PRO/Quick SI™, to clean their existing production-site. First test-samples of their site-soil have been delivered and tested by PRO/MIBO. The initial test-results are very positively encouraging, thus leading to a more in-depth joint investigation.
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO

September 2010:

  • Next steps for optimizing the product-strategy and foreseen export-growth for our strategic Chinese business-partners and the contracted distribution-network. Further preparation of the roll-out for the foreseen distribution of their specific products for the EU-market.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Starting the investigations on a possible retail-development location for a multi-tenant shopping-mall project within one of the growing cities in the Czech Republic .
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Next phase in detailing the procedure for the acquisition and further optimization of a specialized supply-industry. Optimizing the actual strategy for rationalizing and expanding the business, also in an international scope.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Next steps for further investigations for the possible collaboration-structure together with an interested professional party from the USA , being active within an international scope. First focus stays especially on expansion of the activities regarding our patented cleaning process (PRO/Quick HG™) for removing mercury impurities from contaminated metal (e.g. as used in the oil- and gasdrilling industry).
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO
  • Ongoing coaching-activities on demand for (semi)professionals, focusing on strategy and activities within -international- business processes.
  • Activities by WT /Real

August 2010:

  • Because of the merging of their local Turkish subsidiary with a local Turkish co-producer, our international client has decided to stop with their initiative for establishing an own production facility in Istanbul . Although the proposal of NTGroep was indeed a state-of-the-art solution within a competitive budget, the decision was definitive. It was greed to keep alert on new opportunities within the coming period.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • NTGroep was asked to join the client-team for strengthening the existing initiative for developing a new care-facility in The Netherlands. At present, the client sees difficulties with their actual partners to prepare feasible solutions. Therefore NTGroep's task will be to improve and (re)develop the actual concept, and to restructure the total approach for this project.
  • Activities by NTGroep

July 2010:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the northern hemisphere a good summer and holidays!
  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the southern hemisphere a good winter and holidays!

June 2010:

  • Next phases in the development-process for care-facilities, together within the Consortium ‘Twentse Aanpak Langdurende Zorg'. Detailing the specifications, location-characteristics, etc., also considering sustainability-issues, etc. Investigations with the pre-selected municipalities, to match the strength of the developed concept with the characteristics of the localized suitable development-locations.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Investigation and selection of site-specific issues, together with the strategic Middle-East business-partner. Finishing of the tender-documents for the foreseen new production-facility in Istanbul for one of the international clients
  • Activities by NTGroep

May 2010:

  • For the actual tender-procedure regarding the foreseen new production-facility in Istanbul for one of the international clients, the offer is now under preparation. NTGroep and their strategic Middle-East business partner are focusing on a turnkey-solution, fit-to-purpose for the client, and including e.g. foreseen sustainability-characteristics.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • The presentation by one of the boardmembers of NTGroep during a workshop on construction and innovation at the international CIB conference in Manchester/Salford (UK) has been a success. Lively discussion and food for thoughts was exchanged. See also the following website-link.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Together with one of our strategic Chinese business-partners and the contracted distribution-network, the further preparation of the roll-out for the foreseen distribution of their specific products for the EU-market is under preparation now.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Next phases in the development-process for care-facilities, together within the Consortium ‘Twentse Aanpak Langdurende Zorg'. Detailing the specifications, location-characteristics, etc., also considering sustainability-issues, etc.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Next steps in the urban design process for the foreseen integrated office-development in Rijssen (NL). The urban designer is now preparing the integrated approach for developing the urban- and architectural scheme for this strategic development-location. It is also foreseen to include state-of-the-art sustainability-issues, including flexibility and multi-functional characteristics.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Preparation of further investigations for the possible collaboration-structure together with an interested professional party from the USA , being active within an international scope. First focus is especially on expansion of the activities regarding our patented cleaning process (PRO/Quick HG™) for removing mercury impurities from contaminated metal (e.g. as used in the oil- and gasdrilling industry).
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO
  • Presenting the foreseen lecture in the course for professionals, focusing on strategic risk management, and organized by the TSM-Business School/University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands. Related to our background experiences, the lecture-theme was prepared with focus on -international- construction and development, related to risk-management.
  • Activities by WT /Real

April 2010:

  • Together with one of our strategic Chinese business-partners and the contracted distribution-network, the further preparation of the roll-out for the foreseen distribution of their specific products is under preparation now for the EU-market.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Next steps in the urban design process for our integrated office-development in Rijssen (NL). Basic layouts ans specifications are under consideration.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Recently, one of the boardmembers of NTGroep has been invited for an international workshop to present a vision regarding innovation-issues in construction, and also be a member of the discussion-panel. This, during the forthcoming international CIB-symposium ‘Building a Better World…', to be held in coming May 2010 in the Lowry Theatre in Manchester/Salford, in the UK. See also the following website-link.
  • Activities by NTGroep 
  • After a selection-procedure, NTGroep has been selected for the shortlist to prepare an offer for a turnkey production-facility in Istanbul (TR) of about 10.000 sqm for one of their international clients. NTGroep has joined together with one of their strategic Middle-East business-partners to prepare the offer for the following tender-procedure.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Further detailing of the steps in the procedure for the acquisition and further optimization of a specialized supply-industry. Detailed development and preparation of the new strategy for rationalizing and expanding the business, also in an international scope.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Based on their networks and expertise, NTGroep together with one of their international strategic business-partners, has been selected on the shortlist for the possible delivery of specialty-technology including construction-works for one of their Asian clients. Next steps are the investigation of the possibilities for the specifications etc. for the foreseen tender-procedure.
  • Activities by NTGroep 
  • Optimizing the next phase in the foreseen leisure and wellness development in Germany . Detailing the business-structure for the next steps.
  • Activities by NTGroep

March 2010:

  • For the foreseen integrated office-development in Rijssen (NL) the urban designer (a well known experienced party) has officially been selected and contracted. Start-up of the urban design process, in which it is foreseen to integrate the several functions and specialties of this strategic development-location.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Further detailing of the existing tri-partite memorandum of understanding, and signing of the official cooperation contract for the EU-wide distribution of the products of our existing Chinese client via the selected European distributor.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Next steps in the procedure for the acquisition and further optimization of a specialized supply-industry. Detailed development and preparation of the new strategy for rationalizing and expanding the business, also in an international scope.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Detailed preparation for the up-scaling activities for our developed cleaning process (PRO/Quick SI™) for removing mercury and other metallurgic impurities from contaminated sludges (e.g. from sewerage and dredging sludges, etc.). Parallel to that, next steps are for the further (international) expansion of the activities regarding our patented cleaning process (PRO/Quick HG™) for removing mercury impurities from contaminated metal (e.g. as used in the oil- and gasdrilling industry).
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO

February 2010:

  • Further negotiations regarding the proposed bid for a redevelopment-proposal of a commercial real estate portfolio of about 10,000 sqm in The Netherlands, focusing on the support with concept-development experiences, investigating the investment-possibilities and managing the total redevelopment-process.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • After first investigations, actively starting the preparation of a development-scheme for a large logistics-client in the Turkish market, preparing the roll-out strategy of new facilities for their logistics and warehousing locations.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Ongoing total engineering activities for the construction-consortium, for the extension of the new passenger terminal at the international airport ‘Letisko' in Bratislava , Slovakia .
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • On the basis of the existing cooperation contract between NTGroep and our existing Chinese client (a large producer of specialist building materials), a memorandum of understanding has been signed as a tri-partite agreement for the EU-wide distribution of their products via the selected European distributor.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Entering the next phase in the foreseen leisure and wellness development in Germany . Operationalizing the business-structure for the next steps.
  • Activities by NTGroep


January 2010:

  • Preparations start for the definition of the detailed list of requirements and programme for the further development of the foreseen integrated care-living-leisure development sites in The Netherlands.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • For the Consortium ‘Twentse Aanpak Langdurende Zorg', NTGroep and our partners have selected and contracted a special position for a Ph.D-researcher, active in following and describing the lessons learnt, leading to new (governance)guidelines-input. This position is co-financed by the consortium (in which NTGroep is participating and is a member of the steering-committee) and is operationalized via the University of Twente in The Netherlands.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Further preparation of the participation in the foreseen course for professionals, focusing on strategic risk management, and organized by the TSM-Business School/University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands. Related to our background experiences, the lecture-theme to be prepared is related to risk-management.
  • Activities by WT /Real

 December 2009:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year 2010!

  • Next steps in the prepration and investigation for a new logistics facility, located in Turkey, for one of our international clients.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Next steps, together with the municipality, to define the site-layout for the foreseen integrated infrastructure on the office-development in Rijssen (NL).
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Ongoing total engineering activities for the construction-consortium, for the extension of the new passenger terminal at the international airport ‘Letisko’ in Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Preparation for the up-scaling activities for our developed cleaning process (PRO/Quick SI™) for removing mercury and other metallurgic impurities from contaminated sludges (e.g. from sewerage and dredging sludges, etc.). Parallel to that, next steps are set in the investigations for possible (international) business-partners, for a further (international) expansion of the activities regarding our patented cleaning process (PRO/Quick HG™) for removing mercury impurities from contaminated metal (e.g. as used in the oil- and gasdrilling industry).
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO

November 2009:

  • Next phase in the development-initiatives for the selected care-living-leisure approach, within the Dutch national Transition-Programme for innovative developments in healthcare-facilities (via the contracted Consortium ‘Twentse Aanpak Langdurende Zorg’, in which NTGroep is participating). Starting implementing the developed concepts, further preparing the foreseen locations. Optimizing additional facilities to strengthen the total development concept with the foreseen added value for clients.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • For the Consortium ‘Twentse Aanpak Langdurende Zorg’, NTGroep and our partners are preparing a special position for a researcher, active in following and describing the lessons learnt, leading to new (governance)guidelines-input. This position will be co-financed by the consortium, in which NTGroep is participating, and be operationalized via the University of Twente in The Netherlands.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • For a joint-development project in Slovakia, the contract with the specialized retail/shopping-agency has been signed. They will be active in the leasing of the commercial spaces to tenants. First leasing-contracts have been signed with a large international supermarket-chain and banking-offices. The total facility has an excellent mix of shopping-floors and office-spaces, making it a perfect combination of fun-shopping, run-shopping and working.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Next steps in the investigation of development-possibilities for a large new retail-facility in Austria. Discussions with the present parties are continued.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Preparing and providing a lecture for an international group of master-students at the Eindhoven University of Technology in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Main-theme was focusing on international construction and development practices, especially the several experiences related to (differences between) business-cultures.
  • Activities by WT/Real

  • Next steps for the description and approval for the foreseen patent of our developed cleaning process (PRO/Quick SI™) for removing mercury and other metallurgic impurities from contaminated sludges.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO

Oktober 2009:

  • Next steps in the investigation-procedure for the acquisition and further optimization of a specialized supply-industry. Development and preparation of a new strategy for rationalizing and expanding the business.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Further activities in the acquisition of new development-sites and projects, focusing on inner-city and sub-urban regions, suitable for our low-cost rationalized housing concepts. Combinations with retail-facilities are interesting, if feasible in the local market-situation.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Entering the next phase in the foreseen leisure and wellness development in Germany. Operationalizing the business-structure for the next steps.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • WT/Real was asked to participate in a course for professionals, focusing on strategic risk management. The course will be organised by the TSM-Business School/University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands. Related to our background experiences, the lecture-theme to be prepared is related to risk-management practices and experiences in international construction/development-business from an entrepreneurial point of view.
  • Activities by WT/Real

September 2009:

  • First steps in the preparation of bid for a redevelopment-proposal for a new client, regarding their commercial real estate portfolio of about 10,000 sqm in The Netherlands. NTGroep is asked to support them with concept-development experiences, investigating the investment-possibilities and managing the total redevelopment-process.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Final stage of the completion of a joint-development project in Slovakia. After completion the commercial spaces will be leased to tenants, for which a specialized retail/shopping-agency will be contracted. The housing-appartments are leased and/or sold to end-users/investors via the local organisation.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • NTGroep has initiated the set-up of an innovative technology consortium, together with some of their existing technology-partners. Main goal is to set-up a co-investment initiative and to support in the further national and international expansion of environmentally friendly technologies, focusing on niche-markets, together with ‘triple-A’ business-partners.
  • Activities by NTGroep

August 2009:

  • In the market there is a growing need for the further development of business and projects. Several parties are approaching us for their -national and international- business and projects.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Next steps in the investigation of possible development-sites and activities in Turkey. This within our group via our German office, related and experienced to these market-segments.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Further roll-out of the total engineering activities for the construction-consortium, for the extension of the new passenger terminal at the international airport ‘Letisko’ in Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Ongoing activities in the construction of serial (housing)projects in Germany, mainly based on our rationalized construction processes with e.g. prefabricated limestone and concrete elements.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Further negotiations for the upscaling and roll-out of our patented steel-scrap cleaning process, starting focusing on it’s excellent capabilities for the oil- and gas-industry.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.

July 2009:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the northern hemisphere a good summer and holidays!
  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the southern hemisphere a good winter and holidays!

June 2009:

  • Ongoing development-initiatives on segment-level for the selected care-living-leisure approach, within the Dutch national Transition-Programme for innovative developments in healthcare-facilities. Optimizing development concept and location-match for the foreseen care and cure facilities. Integration with additional facilities to expand the total development concept with added value for clients.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Further steps for the possible joint acquisition of a Dutch production-company, with a significant strong reputation as a top-quality supply-industry in a specific niche-market of building-materials.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Next steps for the description and approval for the foreseen patent of our developed sludge-cleaning process.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.

May 2009:

  • Via our Slovakian activities, next steps have been taken for investigating the (re)development-possibilities of a large retail-facility in Austria. Discussions with the present parties have started.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Next steps for the the further detailed process-development for the optimization and ‘fine-tuning’ of our sludge-cleaning process, after the first successful tests of several samples.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.

April 2009:

  • Together with the municipality, the layout-concept of the foreseen infrastructure on the office-development in Rijssen (NL) is been investigated for the design of an improved alternative layout.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Adding new features to the developed concept, related to the location-match for the foreseen care and cure facilities, to expand the total development concept with added value for clients.
  • Activities by NTGroep & WT/Projects

March 2009:

  • Investigating a new Slovakian site for the development of specific retail-facilities.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Next steps in the strategic advisory for an international concrete-production company regarding the optimization of their expansion-process in the Middle-East area, especiatlly in Qatar .
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Further optimizing the development-programme for the new office development in Rijssen (NL). Preparing next steps of the process management.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Assisting a large Dutch contractor & development company with the restructuring of their portfolio and strategic market-approach to national and international expansion.
  • Activities by NTGroep  

February 2009:

  • Starting the foreseen development-initiatives on segment-level for the selected care-living-leisure approach, within the Dutch national Transition-Programme for innovative developments in healthcare-facilities. Optimizing development concept and location-match for the foreseen care and cure facilities. Integration with additional facilities to expand the total development concept with added value for clients.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Ongoing activities in the construction of serial (housing)projects in Germany , mainly based on our rationalized construction processes with e.g. prefabricated limestone and concrete elements.
  • Activities by NTGroep  
  • On the basis of existing contact-lines, the patented cleaning-process for e.g. oil- and drilling-equipment receives serious interest of some large key-players in this field of the business. First investigations are made to see if a business-match could be established.
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO  
  • Investigating an existing German inner-city location for redevelopment with concepts of offices and apartments.
  • Activities by NTGroep  
  • Together with a strategic partner, the investigation of some possible development-sites in Turkey has gone further. This within our group via our German office, related and experienced to these market-segments.
  • Activities by NTGroep  

January 2009:

  • Preparing next steps, after the first investigations for the possible joint acquisition of a Dutch production-company, with a significant strong reputation as a top-quality supply-industry in a specific niche-market of building-materials.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Starting the total engineering activities for the construction-consortium, for the extension of the new passenger terminal at the international airport ‘Letisko' in Bratislava , Slovakia .
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Next steps in the planning process for the integrated infrastructure and office development in Rijssen (NL). Basic layout of the foreseen public infrastructure (i.e. tunnel, roundabout, etc.) will be adapted towards a new traffic concept on this location.
  • Activities by NTGroep  

December 2008:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year 2009!  
  • Contracting the next phases in the foreseen leisure and wellness development in Germany . Operationalizing the business-structure for the next steps.
  • Activities by NTGroep  

November 2008:

  • Further investigations for an international client for their foreseen new logistic facility in Slovakia ; detailing the concept and feasibility, etc.
  • Activities by NTGroep
  • Roll-out and operationalizing the development-initiative for care-living-leisure, within the Dutch national Transition-Programme for innovative developments in healthcare-facilities. Scheduling the total process of this for the Dutch Ministry of Health (VWS) top-priority initiative.
  • Activities by NTGroep  

Oktober 2008:

  • Next steps in the preparation and optimization of the sludge-cleaning technology. On the basis of existing contacts and primarily reactions, the market-expectations look positively for this new development because of it's environmentally-friendly and effective characteristics. Further establishing of business-leads in this part of the business.
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO
  • Coaching/referencing of an MBA-master student (management-professional) during the finishing of his professional MBA-course in the construction/contractor sector.
  • Activities by WT /Real

September 2008:

  • NTGroep will be present at the Expo real in Munich ( Germany ). For further questions or to arrange a meeting at the Expo real please contact them by mail or phone. The main focus at the Expo real will be on real estate in Slovakia , Germany and the Netherlands , but also other countries have our interest.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • Starting the detailed structuring for the final co-investment scheme for the jointly developed shopping-facilities, now under final construction-phase in Slovakia . The project is of high quality, and serves a strong niche-market in the Bratislava-area.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • Further steps towards initiating retail and residential projects in Turkey .
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • NTGroep participated on the 5 september for the second time in the annual Sailingregatta for the real estate branche in the Netherlands . NTGroep won a prize for the second time in a row in this very well organised event.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • Preparation of the final steps in the track of coaching a post-academic student, member of the management of a large Belgian company, for finalization of his final thesis for the MBA-programme of the TSM-Business School in Enschede, The Netherlands.
  • Activities by WT /Real.
  • Starting development and process management for a new site in The Netherlands, focusing on care and cure facilities, combined with living and leisure.
  • Activities by WT /Projects

August 2008:

  • Preparation of design and production of a new series of housing projects in the German market. Optimizing with the foreseen infrastructural facilities, together with the local municipalities.
  • Activities by NT Projects.
  • Finishing the shortlist for the pre-selection of the architect for our projected new multi-storey office-building in Rijssen, The Netherlands. The shortlist consists of experienced Dutch as wel as international architects, being well-known by their sophisticated reference-projects and design-styles.
  • Activities by NT Groep.
  • Next steps in the set-up of the further detailed process-development for the optimization and ‘fine-tuning' of our sludge-cleaning process, after the first successful tests of several samples.
  • Activities by PRO /MIBO.


July 2008:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the northern hemisphere a good summer and holidays!
  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the southern hemisphere a good winter and holidays!
  • Together with a pre-selected co-investor, the first investigations have started for the possible joint acquisition of a Dutch production-company, with a significant strong reputation as a top-quality supply-industry in a specific niche-market of building-materials. If successful, the respective part of the shares will be added to our investment-portfolio.
  • Activities by NT Groep.
  • Based also on our German activities and contacts, the investigation of some possible development-sites in Turkey has gone further, together with an international strategic investor. This is an interesting combination because of the available existing expertise and contacts within our group, related to that markets.
  • Activities by NT Groep.


June 2008:

  • Further preparation of our existing project-developments for serial housing-projects in three German city-areas. Streamlining of the total concepts, and negotiations with local municipalities in the total process-approach.
  • Activities by NT Groep .
  • Detailed further specifications for optimizing our developed leisure project ‘Falkenlay', consisting of more than 40 hectares with ca. 350 luxury houses and ca. 50 appartment with several facilities and infrastructue, to be realized in the German Eifel-region.
  • Activities by NT Groep.
  • Further coaching of a post-academic student, member of the management of a large Belgian company, during the preparation of his final thesis for the MBA-programme of the TSM-Business School in Enschede, The Netherlands.
  • Activities by WT /Real.


May 2008:

  • One of our joint projects, the development and realization of a mixed-use facility in Slovakia , is now under our consideration to add to our investment-portfolio for a significant part of the shares. The preparation for a combination with a possible co-investor has started. The project consists of nearly 10.000 sqm of shopping-facilities, on top of which are realized more than 250 appartments, sold to (private) investors and end-users.
  • Activities by NT Groep.
  • Our integrated development-initiative for care-living-leisure has now been selected for the last selection-phase within the Dutch national Transition-Programme for innovative developments in healthcare-facilities. Together with some other projects, it has been awarded by the Dutch Ministry of Health (VWS) as a top-priority initiative.
  • Activities by NT Groep .
  • A first selection of three possible Dutch locations for the developed care-living-leisure concept have been made, together with our business-partners. Start-up of negotiations with the respective municipalities for the foreseen land-acquisitions.
  • Activities by NT Groep.


April 2008:

  • Integration and further optimization of the infrastructural and real-estate concept, regarding the design-specifications for our new office-building in Rijssen, The Netherlands.
  • Activities by NT Groep
  • Ongoing activities in the construction of serial (housing)projects in Germany , mainly based on our rationalized construction processes with e.g. prefabricated limestone and concrete elements.
  • Activities by NT Groep


March 2008:

  • Our integrated development-initiative for care-living-leisure has been pre-selected within the Dutch national Transition-Programme for innovative developments in healthcare-facilities. Parallel to that, together with our business-partners we are searching for new suitable locations for this concept.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • Ongoing activities in the construction of serial (housing)projects in Germany, mainly based on our rationalized construction processes with e.g. prefabricated limestone and concrete elements.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • Next steps in the acquisition and development of locations in the Mid-European market, based on our long-year international experiences with project-development and rationalized construction approach. Primary focus of our business-activities for these Mid-European regions stays on Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • Preparing the set-up of the further detailed process-development for the optimization and ‘fine-tuning’ of our sludge-cleaning process, after the first successful tests of several samples.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.

February 2008:

  • Further negotiations in the acquisition-process of a large development-site in Germany, in the Munich region.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • Optimizing the proposed site-layout and development-program for an inner-city development in The Netherlands, based on replacement of an existing industrial facility, and adding apartment-buildings including parking-facilities.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • Strategic advisory for an international concrete-production company regarding their expansion-process in the Middle-East area, especially in Qatar.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • Next steps in the preparation for commercialization of our patented process-technology for removing mercury-pollution from metals (e.g. from gas- and oil-drilling equipment), primarily focusing on integration within the international gas- and oil-drilling markets and (chemical) industry.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.

January 2008:

  • Preparation of the design-specifications for our new office-building in Rijssen, The Netherlands. Site-layout and spatial arrangement is now under development, together with the integrated approach regarding surrounding public infrastructure (e.g. tunnels, roundabout and bridge, etc.).
  • Activities by NTGroep.

December 2007:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year 2008!

November 2007:

  • Setting the next steps for developing business-models and implementation-strategies within a partnership with an international IT-company. Our input is used to ‘bridge the gap’ between business and IT, especially focusing on the international construction & engineering branch.
  • Activities by NTGroep

  • Supporting and coaching management-professionals of a large development and construction company with their special MBA-programme, specific in the field of entrepreneurial integrated construction and development.
  • Activities by WT/Real.

October 2007:

  • Next steps in the development of the detailed concept-design for our new integrated concept of ‘care’, ‘living’ and ‘leisure’, together with our strategic partners in these. New locations are investigated.
  • Activities by NTGroep

September 2007:

  • Investigating of a German inner-city development-area in Düsseldorf, for development and realization of a multi-storey building with appartments.
  • Activities by NTGroep

August 2007:

  • Next steps in the re-development of an agricultural site in The Netherlands, focusing on a mixed-use facility for ‘living’ and ‘care’. Basic layout and spatial scheme now under consideration by the local municipality.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

  • Completion of several housing-units within our German housing development-projects, especially in the Ruhrgebiet-area.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

July 2007:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the northern hemisphere a good summer and holidays!
  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the southern hemisphere a good winter and holidays!


June 2007:

  • Starting the development and marketing for a new housing site in one of the city-areas in the northern German Ruhrgebiet. Foreseen are about ca. 60 family-houses and ca. 20 appartments.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Investigating a German inner-city development-area in Munich, together with a local partner. Foreseen are a multi-storey apartment-building of high-end quality.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Investigating the development-possibilities of an exclusive greenfield-area in Southern Germany of approx. 50 hectares. Foreseen are a concept of high-end quality with appartments, hotel and wellness/care facilities.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Investigating the possibilities for the use of our sludge-cleaning concept, together with a possible partner, in this case focusing on a large amount of specific sewerage-sludge. The first tests of the samples have been successful.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.


May 2007:

  • Starting the development of a concept and arranging the investments for a large site of approx. more than 60 hectares in Berlin. Focus is on a mixture of residential, hotel, golf and wellness. Pre-lease contracts for hotel and golf facilities have been arranged.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Submission of the detailed concept-design for our development of a new integrated concept of ‘care’, ‘living’ and ‘leisure’. Municipal legislation-procedures have started.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Acqusition of a new German inner-city development-area of about 15.000 m2, for the development of good quality housing facilities.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Next steps in the upscaling for our patented process-technology for removing mercury-pollution from metal scrap (e.g. from gas- and oil-drilling equipment).
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.


April 2007:

  • Next steps for the development of our new head-office in Rijssen/The Netherlands: Design and planning guidelines have now been completed by the municipality. Integration of the neighbouring infrastructural-projects (railway-tunnel, roundabout and bridge) is now under consideration.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Next steps in supporting and coaching the management of an existing development-company.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


February 2007:

  • One of our business-partners has recently acquired about ca. 50 hectares development-sites in the Caribbean area. Our participation in Germany was asked to join the team for developing these areas, focussing on high-quality housing facilities within well-balanced natural surroundings.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • For the development of a new office in Rijssen/The Netherlands, we are now in the phase of defining the detailed programme/list of requirements. The local municipality is providing input for the specifications for the surrounding infrastructure etc. For the start-up of the selection of an architect, a list of design-styles is now being selected.
  • Activities by NTGroep


  • Together with our local and international business-partners, the next steps for our joint activities in the Chinese market are being taken.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Detailing the concept-design and development of our sub-urban site for the development of a new integrated concept of ‘care’, ‘living’ and ‘leisure’. Recently another partner (a large ‘care’-organization) has shown serious interest in this new concept, and joined our development team.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Next steps in the coaching of the management of an existing project-development company, as part of a restructuring and rationalization of their organization.

Activities by WT/Real.


  • The developed innovative process for cleaning contaminated sludges has been selected to participate within a tender-procedure, for the cleaning of a large amount of sewerage-sludge. The first steps in the selection-process are now being taken. Activities by PRO/MIBO.


January 2007:

  • Preparing the acquisition of a new housing-site, by starting the investigating of the development-possibilities; the focus there is on the development and realization of ca. 50 family-houses. 
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Detailing and fine-tuning the concept etc. for preparing the realization of an international leisure site.
  • Activities by NTGroep


  • Updating the concepts and designs for the development and realization of a new production plant (ca. 3,500 m2) for our client in central-Poland. Detailing the possibilities for sale&lease-back within the investment-portfolio.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Based on an earlier invitation to prepare an offer for delivering our activities/technology for removing mercury-polution (in this case for cleaning sludges), focus is on setting up a partnership for the commercialization of our technology within this branch.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.


December 2006:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year 2007!


November 2006:

  • Based on the growing activities of our group in e.g. the Middle East and Asian markets, we agreed on sponsoring a large international conference in Dubai: The Joint International Conference on Construction Culture, Innovation and Management (CCIM), organized by the British University in Dubai (BUiD). Co-sponsors were e.g. Nakheel, Halcrow, BK Gulf LLC, CIOB, etc.
  • See also the following link:
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Preparing coaching acticivities for improving strategic management in project-development, based on our earlier experiences in e.g. training/coaching.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


October 2006:

  • Starting the conceptual optimization and scheme-design for the development and realization of offices including the surrounding (public and private) infrastructure within the existing inner-city PPP.
  • Activities by NTGroep..


  • Finalizing the design and management of the conceptual and total-designs (in a team, together with our Dutch architectural partner in these, BDC) for our international client for their new industrial plant (ca. 50,000 m2) on their site (ca. 100,000 m2) in the industrial zone of the Dubai Investment Park in Dubai, UAE.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Optimizing and rationalizing our housing-concepts, investigating to use them also in other markets/regions.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


September 2006:

  • Joining a project-team, together with our European and Asian partners, for the development and implementation for rationalized business processes in development and construction; first focus here is on the Asian market.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Further detail-investigations and conceptual designs for the development and realization of a new production plant (ca. 3,500 m2) for our client in central-Poland. Starting investigating possibilities for sale&lease-back within the investment-portfolio.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Further negotiations for acquisition of the development of a large site of about 20 hectares in The Netherlands for a regional new urban development.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Starting detailed investigations for possible partnerships, etc. for our developed and internationally patented process-technology for removing mercury-pollution from metal scrap (e.g. from gas- and oil-drilling equipment).
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.


July 2006:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the northern hemisphere a good summer and holidays!
  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the southern hemisphere a good winter and holidays!


May 2006:

  • Concept-design and development of a new sub-urban site for the development of a new integrated concept of ‘healthcare’, ‘living’ and ‘leisure’. Further negotiations with the local and regional municipalities, together with the partners in this development-project.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


April 2006:

  • On-going acquisition of new sites for developments in the German market.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Finishing the formulation of a Risk Management Strategy for Route 9 to Sha Tin New Town, and delivered to our governmental client, the TDD in Hong Kong, PRC.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Starting the first investigations for a possible new client, regarding their plans for the development and realization of a new production plant (ca. 3,500 m2) for them in central-Poland.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Finishing the co-managing of the investigation project in the field of ‘Best Practices of Construction Innovation’, within the national revaluing programme for the Dutch construction industry ‘PSIB’.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Entering in the next phase of the tender-procedure for offering the own developed PRO/Quick HG™ process to use for cleaning the remains of a large dismantled chemical process-plant in Europe.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.


March 2006:

  • Further developing the concept and collaboration with a professional Dutch partner in healthcare-services, based on added value in development, realization and management of innovative healthcare-services on specific sites under development.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Joining the design-team with the local municipality for integrating our specifications in the total development, together with the demanded public infrastructure (functioning as a PPP), for one of our development-locations.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Strategic coaching of the development-strategy and process of a real-estate portfolio for an investment company.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


February 2006:

  • Preparing the next phase in designing the architectural and infrastructural solutions for one of the leisure sites under development abroad. It also incorporates a public private partnership (PPP), especially regarding the infrastructure including a new state-of-the-art ropeway.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Together in a team with our Dutch architectural partner in these, BDC, we started the design and management of the conceptual and total-designs for our international client for realisation of their industrial plant (ca. 50,000 m2) on their site (ca. 100,000 m2) in the industrial zone of the Dubai Investment Park in Dubai, UAE.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Participating in a strategic reference board, related to one of the largest infrastructural projects under construction now in the Western part of The Netherlands. The governmental client especially focuses on our international experiences, because they are managing an international contractors-consortium for one of their projects.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


January 2006:

  • Combining the findings and defining the results for the formulation of a Risk Management Strategy for Route 9 to Sha Tin New Town, and delivered to our governmental client, the TDD in Hong Kong, PRC.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Starting investigations with an international client, for designing and managing the conceptual and total-designs for realisation of a large industrial plant on a site in the industrial zone of the Dubai Investment Park in Dubai, UAE. Together with our architectural partner BDC in The Netherlands, our team was selected on the basis of relevant project-references.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Construction of new projects in German housing development, and further on-going acquisition of new sites.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Starting the coaching of two MBA-students in the field of business-development in  construction-related areas, as part of their MBA-course at one of the Dutch Business Schools.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


December 2005:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year 2006!

November 2005:

  • Further planning the design and realization of an innovative total-concept, based on the existing Retourette® and Retourshop®-concept. Starting implementation in a large Dutch urban area.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Continuing the strategic investigation of a real-estate portfolio for an investment company. Goal is to choose which development strategy and concept should be followed for the projects and implement these,  or to choose to sell the projects to external parties.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Co-managing and supporting a national investigation project in the field of ‘Best Practices of Construction Innovation’, within the national revaluing programme for the Dutch construction industry ‘PSIB’.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Structuring the business-concept for participating in the development of a large site of about 20 hectares for a regional new urban development.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Joining a tender-procedure for offering the own developed PRO/Quick HG™ process to use for cleaning the remains of a large dismantled chemical process-plant in Europe.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.


October 2005:

  • Structuring the business concept within the collaboration with Asian partners in the Hong Kong and Chinese area, especially focussing on the proven added value of NTGroep in the field of international knowledge and expertise in project-development and construction processes.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Continuing the preparation and presentation of several business-workshops for a business school with an MBA-programme for construction professionals.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Consulting a large Dutch project-developper in the field of strategic decisions and strategy of their newly started office-development in one of the big cities in The Netherlands.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Starting the concept-development and collaboration with a professional Dutch partner in healthcare-services. The collaboration is mutually based on added value in development, realization and exploitation of innovative healthcare-services on specific sites under development.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Starting the strategic investigation of a real-estate portfolio for an investment company. Goal is to choose which development strategy and concept should be followed for the projects and implement these,  or to choose to sell the projects to external parties.
  •  Activities by WT/Real.


September 2005:

  • Further structuring the business-concept for one of the leisure sites under development abroad.
  • Setting up the next phase in designing the architectural and infrastructural concept for one of the leisure sites under development abroad.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Continuing construction activities for housing projects for several clients in Germany.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Participating and supporting in the preparation commission for an international conference on ‘Culture in Construction’, by the CIB-TG23, to be held in Dubai in 2006. See also and
  • Activities of our Dr.W.Tijhuis,  supported by WT/Real.


  • Selecting a strategic location for setting up the further activities for upscaling the own developed process PRO/Quick HG™ (an internationally patented process for removing mercury pollution from metals from e.g. equipment from oil- and gas-industry etc.).
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.

August 2005:

  • Further structuring the preparation of the legal concept and business-layout for the successful acquisition of the inner-city location.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Starting new projects in German housing development. Updating the existing housing-concept to local circumstances, and further on-going acquisition of new sites.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

July 2005:

  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the northern hemisphere a good summer and holidays!
  • We wish all our friends and business relationships on the southern hemisphere a good winter and holidays!

June 2005:

  • Acquisition of a regional inner-city location for redevelopment with housing/offices, etc. Focus is on setting up a PPP for combining infrastructure-development, etc.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Investigating project-collaboration on strategic and concept development for local projects in the middle-east region.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Further negotiating with the international group of companies, active in the field of waste management and disposal. Focus on commercializing the developed patent for mercury removal.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.


  • Further collaboration with Asian partners in the Hong Kong and Chinese area.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Presenting experiences on ‘rationalized housing concepts’ to a group of professional clients during a specific conference and workshop in China.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Starting the investigation of a large site for a regional new urban development. The size of the area is about 20 hectares.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


May 2005:

  • Preparing and presenting strategic business themes in construction industry during the construction MBA course on the TSM School of Management.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Invitation to present experiences on ‘integrated construction processes’ to a professional audience during a specific conference and workshop in The Netherlands.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Joining a consortium for the acquisition of a large office-development. Key-theme in this project is about ‘innovation in realization’.
  • Activities by NTGroep.
  • One of the students we generally conduct during their master’s thesis, Ir. Theo Reitsema (graduated last year at Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands), has won the 2nd prize in the national Dutch Architectural Design Students Contest ‘Archiprix’. He designed a low-cost-carrier terminal for the German Airport Frankfurt Hahn (see also
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Finishing first-phase of construction of a German housing development. Further on-going acquisition of new sites.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Starting the architectural and infrastructural design phases for one of the leisure sites.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Optimizing the developed multi-modal logistics concept, integrating functions, etc.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


April 2005:

  • Letter of Intent on collaboration with a well known international company in starting up the commercialization of the developed and patented mercury removal process. Focus on investigation of setting up a complete professional plant, etc.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.


  • Starting up the construction phase of newly developed housing projects in the German market.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Improving an international Construction MBA-course by adding and integrating practical ‘hands-on’ experiences in international project development and process management.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


March 2005:

  • Official invitation from China for presenting the international experiences on rationalized housing development concepts.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Finalizing the development phase in the field of land-legislations, environmental aspects etc. for a large German leisure site.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Starting up the investigation for acquisition of a Czech appartment-complex development in a larger Czech city-area.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


February 2005:

  • Official appointment as project-supervisor for the improvement-programme ‘Best Practices of Innovative Behaviour in Construction Industry’, one of the newly started investigation-projects under the Dutch national improvement programme ‘PSIB’.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Official presentation of a chapter on ‘Different Approaches in Managing Complex Construction Projects – Experiences of International Project-Management’, in the international text-book on ‘The Story of Managing Projects – An Interdisciplinary Approach’, published by Praeger Publishers, Westport, USA.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Presenting experiences in the field of international construction development at an international CIB-conference in Las Vegas, USA.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Preparing the architectural and infrastructural design phases for one of the developed leisure sites.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Further developing the multi-modal logistics concept, integrating functions, etc.
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Succesful finishing of the experiments in the field of innovative mercury removal from contaminated sludge. Starting structurizing and commercializing the results.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.

January 2005:

  • We wish all our friends and business-relations a healthy and prosperous new year!
  • WT/Beheer - WT/Real - PRO/MIBO - NTGroep


December 2004:

  • Continuing the development-process for an innovative healthcare- and leisure site on a semi-rural environment in a Dutch regional area.
  • Activities by NTGroep


  • Finishing and delivery of next stage of a rationalized housing-project in the German Gladbeck-area, Ruhrgebiet.
  • Activities by NTGroep

November 2004:

  • Preparing and presenting a keynote-lecture for the national EPSRC/ESRC Workshop ‘Industrial Relations in the Construction Industry’, at Glamorgan Business Centre, University of Glamorgan; Glamorgan (UK).Title of the keynote: ‘Re-structuring Labour and Employment in the Construction Industry: Keeping Craftsmanship Up-to-Date’.
  • Preparing and presenting a keynote-lecture for the national EPSRC/ESRC Workshop ‘Foreign Labour and Development Trajectories in the UK Construction Industry’, at University of Reading; Reading (UK). Title of the keynote: ‘Working in an Open Construction Industry: Challenges for the Parties Involved’;
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Further dismantling of the test-plant for the developed mercury removal process. Clean-up of the existing materials, etc.
  • Continuing optimization and upgrading the development of the existing process for extension of the process for contaminated sludge.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.


  • Investigation of a new site for possible concepts for combined leisure/wellness in Portugal.
  • Activities by NTGroep.

October 2004

  • Finishing of the first construction phases of the 2nd part of the housing project in Gladbeck (Germany).
  • Preparation of one of the new planned housing projects, e.g. in Krefeld (Germany).
  • Project-development by NTGroep 
  • Presentation of the leisure development project ‘Eifelpark Falkenlay’ at the well known 7th International Commercial Property Exposition ‘Expo Real’ ( in the new Munich Trade Fair Centre in Munich (Germany), together with the German region Rheinland-Pfalz.
  • Project-development by NTGroep.


  • Starting the planning/preparation for the construction of a new extension for a large tank-cleaning facility in The Netherlands.
  • Activities by WT/Real.


  • Preparation of the upscaling and business roll-out for the developed mercury removal process.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.

September 2004

  • Improving the existing development-concept in Western Bohemia / Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) for local affordable residential housing.
  • Initiatives via and others.


  • Together with an external partner defining a collaborative project on the use of ICT in the exchange of information and creating virtual construction teams.
  • Initiatives by WT/Real and NTGroep together with a leading ICT-partner.


  • Presentation of the leisure development project ‘Eifelpark Falkenlay’ ( at an interregional governmental exhibition at Airport Frankfurt Hahn in the German Eifel region.
  • Project-development and investment by NTGroep


  • Delivery of one of the new shops to the one of the new retailers in the residential and retail project ‘Bouwstraete’ in Rijssen, The Netherlands.
  • Project-development and management by NTGroep


August 2004

  • Further extending the development initiatives and network of and its partnerships in Croatia (Republic of Croatia).
  • Activities by WT/Real and NTGroep


  • Starting next stages in the process of developing new ways of using the developed mercury removal process for use in cleaning of contaminated sludge.
  • Process-development by PRO/MIBO, together with an external chemical industry partner and the University of Twente ( 


  • Assisting Twente School of Management (TSM Business School) in improving their existing courses on integrated building process management (IBPM).
  • Co-development by WT/Real.


  • Starting the construction on site of the housing project in Gladbeck (Germany).
  • Activities by NTGroep.


July 2004

  • Finishing and reviewing the final testing-results of the pilot-plant for the developed process for removal of mercury out of scrap from oil- and gas-drilling industry.
  • Further international extension of the patent for this innovative process.
  • Activities by PRO/MIBO.


  • Preparation of the next realization stage of the housing development location in Gladbeck (Germany).
  • Activities by NTGroep.


  • Finishing a first pilot project on the use of integrated ICT solutions on an internal group-case in the German construction market.
  • Initiatives by NTGroep, together with a leading ICT-partner.


June 2004

  • Investigating a German real-estate portfolio for an international consortium, with the focus on re-development including investment in collaboration with and international professional joint venture.
  • Activities by


  • Further negotiations on developing several retail-locations in The Netherlands, combining it with the own existing concepts like Retourette® and EcoTray®.
  • Concept-development and process by NTGroep


  • Combining the existing real-estate development initiatives and network of and its partnerships in Croatia (Republic of Croatia) with new initiatives for training local partners and updating the existing know-how in development-business.
  • Activities by WT/Real and NTGroep


May 2004

  • Updating and optimizing a development in Western Bohemia / Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) for local affordable residential housing.
  • Initiatives via NTGroep and others.


  • Further finishing works of the residential and retail project ‘Bouwstraete’ in Rijssen, The Netherlands.
  • Project-development and management by NTGroep

April 2004

  • Strategy and process consultancy for a real-estate development department of a large banking corporation.
  • Activities by NTGroep


  • Guest-lecture on European Building Process Management at Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Building and Architecture. more information: click here
  • Activity by WT/Real


  • Selection of locations for project-developments on an international level.
  • Activities by NTGroep


March 2004

  • Investigation and valuing of a project-development-site in the Middle East for an investor-client.
  • Activities by


  • Dismantling of the testing-plant and up-scaling the clean-up process for contaminated steel and scrap from gas- and oil-exploration industry.
  • Development and patent hold by PRO/MIBO


February 2004

  • Strategic and market analysis for new sites for municipal waste-disposal for several municipalities/cities in The Netherlands. The own developed concepts like Retourette® and EcoTray® are being used for improving municipal waste-management and logistics, leading to improving the daily solutions for waste-disposal. Not only on shopping-level  but increasingly also on local/inner-city level.
  • Concept-development and process-management by NTGroep


  • Finishing the last phase of the development of the clean-up process for contaminated steel and scrap from gas- and oil-exploration industry.
  • Development and patent hold by PRO/MIBO


January 2004

  • Training the National Board of the German Union IG Bau on strategy-issues and process improvements due to the present developments and market trends. This training is a yearly programme, functioning as a yearly refreshment of management skills for the Board.
  • Development and implementation by NTGroep


  • Reaching the highest level of the project ‘Bouwstraete’ in Rijssen, The Netherlands. This event was accompanied by some official festivities for the parties involved.
  • Project-development and project-management by NTGroep


December 2003:

  • Starting planning activities for new possible development projects in The Netherlands and abroad
  • Activities by NTGroep


November 2003:

  • Pre-selection, scanning and valuing several locations for project-developments in Germany and other countries.
  • Activities by NTGroep


  • Implementation of the testing-plant and starting-up the next development-phase of the clean-up process for contaminated sludge.
  • Co-development by PRO/MIBO


October 2003:

  • Finishing and delivery of the first 20 housing series of a development-project in Gladbeck, Germany. This project consists of about 33 houses for families.
  • Project-development by NTGroep


September 2003:

  • Finishing and delivery of housing series of a development-project in Köln, Germany. This project consists of about 22 houses for families.
  • Project-development by NTGroep


August 2003:

  • Training and supervising a group of professional managers and directors of Chinese industry, at the School of Management in Tianjin, Peoples Republic of China. This three-day course on integrated process-management and development functions as a tool for improving skills and strategy for management-positions on the Chinese market.
  • Development and implementation by WT/Real


June 2003:

  • Starting of construction activities ofthe project ‘Bouwstraete’, located in Rijssen, The Netherlands. This project with three floor-levels, consists of ca. 300 sqm commercial floorspace and six apartments.
  • Project-development and project-management by


Several 2003:

  • Realization of  housing-construction for several clients (contractors, project-developers) in the German market.
  • Realization by NTGroep


Initiatives & Developments
(International focus)